I’ve managed to do one thing on four occasions this week:and strangely I’m really pleased by this. You see: I’m a multi-tasker. There, I’ve said it.
I ate my lunch ( not ate my lunch, read my book and planned my next meeting whilst texting a friend) I ate my lunch and enjoyed the sunshine and magnolia blossom. I then read my book.
Next, I went to parkour and spent three hours focussing on trying to get over walls I couldn’t. Not worrying before each jump about the skype meeting after, dinner, prep, new nephew..just Parkour. I didn’t succeed even at the end but I felt great for just trying.
And finally, today: I was planning to work after a meeting at the South Bank Centre and instead have just enjoyed a very heart moving concert from local school choirs. Opening myself to a real sense of joy and an incredible energy.
I know this sounds ludicrously unrelated to the idea of the Creative habit but well, here’s the crux of the matter. Each time an idea has crystallised. Or I’ve actually had a chance to see something I wouldn’t otherwise have.
I saw that the calmness of transfer from thinking about me, to thinking about the msgnolia blossoms falling was exactly the moment of transition from the internal to external sense of self for the first big gear change in the particle physics show. And all that needs to happen is the dancer needs to start watching the particles…
That if you are given permission to find something joyous and fun- it’s infectious and you enjoy yourself too. And it warms your cockles. What permissions do I need to work into the next shows to offer that to the audiences?
That the simplest moves can be the most joyful – the moves that remind us of childhood and simple pleasures. I should know that- that’s what I love to choreograph but gosh it’s good to remember.
And finally: music does just touch you somewhere deep. I need to leave space for that to resonate in these shows.