So we’re off to Indonesia in September, and I’m slowly but surely trying to make sure we have 2 months to complete all our final stress testing before we arrive.
We’ve been working with our floor and mic system successfully for months; so that’s a tick.
wireless controller for looping and sampling: Now up and running.
First full number for the show (tick).
Full working prototype LED matrix hardware and software built (tick)
So in theory we’re doing great- but I found this photo today- and it reminded me why I was worrying-
This photo is deceptive. What it doesn’t reveal is that this is a mid day tech rehearsal in over 35 degree heat, and high enough humidity that the battery boxes for my sensors exploded, and I had to hide all my equipment in an air conditioned room for 5 hours, to make sure they worked for the show. The show went brilliantly, and the evenings in Solo are a cool refreshing joy. But the tech nearly killed me.
Also- turns out you can have the MOST sparkly costumes in Indonesia- hence the spark of the idea for the LED dress. Have a look at some of the other costumes here, and a lovely sense of the intoxicating international backstage atmosphere here