knuckling Down

There’s nothing like spending half the day being shown around a Category A high security prison and meeting the ‘Guv’ to make you realise the only thing stopping you is yourself.

I wrote the dance company’s business plan during the second half of the day – with great relish (proper tomato relish for your hamburger styleey) because suddenly I realised another tiny part of what I do to limit my potential, and I got over it.

I might not spend all of my time running a prison, or a large cultural organisation, or the horse racing authority for that matter. But that doesn’t mean that when you open your eyes and listen hard for the answers they aren’t already there. That if you chose to, you could lead in any of these situations and that maybe one day, you will.

In the end it’s your choice: how you use the opportunities offered to you, how polite and courteous you are, how much you hear what’s actually being said and how much you respect that you are only as strong as the knowledge, team and people around you. It’s your choice whether you stand up and make sure you are counted.

And it’s your choice whether you really use the opportunities that are offered to you.

It’s your choice to adapt your skills.

It’s your choice to grow.

I don’t need to know the solutions- whether for choreographing a library, leading a cultural institution or hanging out with family. I’ve just got to use my senses (in every sense!) and listen to what’s really being said to me.

I wonder if I can be brave enough to do that?